The Spotlight Playhouse is thrilled to present a heartwarming production of Charles Dickens’ classic, A Christmas Carol, brought to life by The Bluegrass Players. From December 19 to 22, join us for a special yuletide celebration with our cherished dinner show adaptation, beautifully directed by Chad Hembree and scripted by Jeremy Grant. This beloved tale of redemption, community, and festive joy is the perfect way to embrace the spirit of the season.
Prepare for an unforgettable evening as Chef Cody Noe presents a classic holiday meal, crafted to perfectly complement the timeless story unfolding on stage. Amid the candlelit glow and festive decorations, you’ll witness Ebenezer Scrooge’s remarkable journey from cold-hearted miser to a man filled with warmth, generosity, and Christmas cheer.
This dinner show isn’t just a performance – it’s a full holiday experience for family and friends alike. Step into a world of Victorian charm, surrounded by laughter, music, and the spirit of giving. Make this magical evening part of your holiday tradition and let A Christmas Carol fill your heart with the joy of the season.
Tickets available mid-November.